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The population of the city proper is about 18, Point Edward, an adjoining suburb, adds another 1, Yet this seemingly unimpressive community is a leading lake port, an oil depot of importance not only to the Dominion but to the Empire, a tourist gateway for all midland Canada, a main railroad divisional point, a large producer of salt and salt derivatives, and a valuable farm market. Sarnia has brass and iron foundries, an agricultural machinery factory, a structural steel mill and a huge grain elevator. Plainly the magnitude and diversity of its activities raise Sarnia to a position of consequence far above its population rating. Sarnia sits at the southernmost tip of Lake Huron where the lake waters flow swiftly into the St. Clair river.

The young people of the earth are writing, typing and pronouncing words wrong. Many young ancestor leave off the G after you put ing on the end of a verb, this is very horifing. Trask D. American English is no a lesser amount of valid as an independent dialect than is Italian a advanced variant of Latin. While a few people might want to be utter snobs and not accept the factual nature of this situation, it remains. Stop body a snob and accept so as to someone else might not be speaking your language, and you can't define the rules Designed for them, or decry their affect on your own. Monica as of UK I think language adjust is bound to happen denial matter what, so we allow to get used to it. I don't think that around is any right or abuse according to people's pronunciation of words, as this is can you repeat that? makes everybody different and indicates where they come from. Lindsay McIntosh,from Sweden Help!

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