
Online dating leaves middle-aged women in 'single wilderness'

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Because men who are depressed may appear to be angry or aggressive instead of sad, their families, friends, and even their doctors may not always recognize the anger or aggression as depression symptoms. In addition, men are less likely than women to recognize, talk about, and seek treatment for depression. Yet depression affects a large number of men. What is depression? Everyone feels sad or irritable and has trouble sleeping once in a while. But these feelings and troubles usually pass after a couple of days. Depression is a common but serious mood disorder that may cause severe symptoms. Depression affects the ability to feel, think, and handle daily activities. Also known as major depressive disorder or clinical depression, a man must have symptoms for at least two weeks to be diagnosed with depression.

Accumulate Story Save this story designed for later. I have a acquaintance who dates only exceptionally alluring women. They are just actually, notably good looking, standouts constant in the kind of built-up milieu where regular workouts after that healthy eating are commonplace after that an abundance of disposable earnings to spend on facials, waxing, straightening, and coloring keeps the average level of female allure unusually high. For years, I assumed that it was a minute ago his good fortune that the women he felt an affecting connection with all happened en route for be so damn hot. Above time, however, I came en route for realize that my friend, careful as he is, prizes acute beauty above all the erstwhile desiderata that one might ask for in a partner. I allow another friend who broke ahead with a woman because her body, though fit, was the wrong type for him. A few people would say these men are fatally shallow. Those all the rage the first camp would almost certainly say that my friends are outliers—uniquely immature men to be avoided. Many in the agree with camp argue that, in actuality, all men would be akin to the man who dates barely beautiful women, if only they enjoyed his ability to capture such knockouts.

I In China, there is a name for unmarried men above The gender imbalance is assembly it hard for many men to find a partner — and the gap is apt to widen. In his charge, The Demographic Future, American biased economist Nicholas Eberstadt cites projections that bymore than a accommodate of Chinese men in their 30s will not have conjugal. Now, with far fewer women than men, the race en route for find a suitable partner—and accomplish her over before someone also does—has led some men en route for go to great lengths en route for find a wife.

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