TelephonefaxWeb sites www. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. However, paediatricians and other health care providers must be aware of the significant psychological, social and medical issues that face young people who are gay, lesbian or bisexual. Almost all of these issues arise from the stigmatization that these youth face, rather than from the orientation itself 12. Rather, the practitioner must create an environment in which the adolescent can discuss any questions or worries that they have, whether they identify themselves as homosexual, have found that they are attracted to people of the same gender, have had a sexual encounter with someone of the same gender or are confused about their feelings. The present paper reviews the relevant definitions, epidemiologies and approaches when working with gay, lesbian and bisexual youth.
At once, we have a better aim of what they are accepted wisdom about, thanks to a a moment ago published study in the Academic journal of Sexual Medicine. A band of researchers at the Academe of Quebec at Trois-Rivieres asked a pool of 1, men and women, living in the province of Quebec, what they fantasized about sexually. The participants were anywhere from 18 en route for 77 years old, and the average age was 30 years. Though the answers are not from a culturally diverse arrange, they still offer an appealing sample. Of the men calculated, 1. We describe the ample study here. One of the surprising finds, according to the researchers, was the large calculation of participants who reported homosexual acts in their fantasies.
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