Willingness, combined with sex, brings about pleasure and as pleasure is the driving aim of sex, it may be the ONLY stage of sexual desire women experience during sexual activity. Stage II — Desire: There are three areas of desire-emotional, physical and mental. Emotional desire is when you have feelings about someone and you want to have sex with them because of the way you feel. Physical desire is a physical reaction that you experience in your body. Mental desire is what you think about doing, you want to have sex and you decide to act on those thoughts. Stage III — Excitement: This is the stage where you begin to respond to stimuli by sight, smell, taste, touch or fantasy. The nerves, muscles and tissues of the genitals and breasts begin to react. Stage IV — Engorgement: This is the stage of intense sexual excitement. Your genital tissues may become engorged and erect.
Belongings of sex in the common sense For sex to feel agreeable, the brain has to account for sexual sensations as pleasurable. Nerves in sexual areas of the body send specific signals en route for the brain, and the common sense uses those signals to build various sexual sensations. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that help the brain communicate with other areas of the body. Several neurotransmitters have a role in sexual pleasure: Prolactin levels rise as soon as following orgasm. Dopamine is a hormone linked with motivation after that reward. It increases sexual awakening, and the body secretes it during the desire stage.
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