
No it’s not your money: why taxation isn’t theft

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I've appreciated the programming and even agreed with the 'liberal bias,' and when I didn't, I thought that at least KPBS tried to present both sides. I'm no longer of that opinion. After the Trump presidency something happened to the reporting, it started becoming more partisan. To a degree, I think it was a natural reaction to Trump's presidency. It's reporting fully adopted what Wesley Yang dubbed the successor ideology. While even a few years ago I would have been a fierce defender of this news station, I would now support eliminating public funding for it alltogether, as it no longer tries to provide unbiased news.

Why do so many Christians assume their social media feed is a place to show the world their weirdness? Too a lot of Christians come across as contaminated or out-of-touch. Being authentic does not mean being weird. Commenting on Politics Part of the weirdness is political. Nor is God an Independent. God is God. When your church becomes a mouthpiece for a biased party, you cease to be the Church. Click To Cheep Your job is to allocate the Gospel, not to adjust the government. As I collective in more detail here , Jesus and Paul spend amazingly little time trying to affect the government.

At once before I start throwing about labels and making generalizations, I have to make my accustomed speech about the differentness of individual grief. Although commonalities a lot exist amongst people who allow experienced a certain type of loss, individual grief is at the same time as unique as the person experiencing it and their relationship along with the person who died. Acceptable, with that said. Ultimately, individual must allow for a ample range of variability when it comes to potentially traumatic events. All deaths have the ability to overwhelm, shock, terrify, after that shatter worldview.

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