
14 Ways to Spoil Yourself--And Why You Should

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By Eric HoltzclawCompany strategist eholtzclaw Many of us write New Year's resolutions about what we vow not to do or how we want to improve either professionally or personally. That's a worthwhile exercise, to be sure. But to truly stay motivated, don't be so focused that you forget the little things: You need a little indulgence along the way to help keep yourself going. I talked with some fellow entrepreneurs and uncovered 14 ways--big and small--you can plan to spoil yourself to stay motivated as you move through the upcoming year: 1. Buy your favorite drink. It would be far cheaper if I brewed coffee at home each morning, but I look forward to stopping by a Starbucks as I begin my day. It provides a break in my commute and I enjoy the cup of coffee throughout my morning.

And so, it is important to ascertain the red flags or shades of wrong from the beginning so that love does not dissolve into ash and above-board fees. Feel drained or dejected after spending time with your partner and feel something has been missing for a while? Well, that something is you. That is what a contaminated relationship does to one. The notion that it only happens to those submissive by character is a myth. It be able to happen easily to the strongest, healthy and independent people.

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