
Study Finds High Rate of Sexual Satisfaction in Women Over 80

Older woman with a 22453

Study Finds High Rate of Sexual Satisfaction in Women Over 80 Frequency or lack of sex is not a significant factor by Candy SagonJanuary 6, An older woman can be satisfied with her sex life even if she's not having sex, according to a new survey. The survey of more than older women in Southern California, ages 40 tofound that those under 55 and those over 80 were most likely to say they were satisfied with their sex lives. About half of the women reported having sex in the past month, either with or without a partner. However, almost half of women who had not had sex in the past month also declared themselves satisfied with their sex lives. The study, published this week in the American Journal of Medicineasked the women to rate their levels of sexual desire and arousal, lubrication adequacy and pain during penetrationas well as how frequently they experience orgasm. Among the study's findings: Only one in five of the women who had engaged in sexual activity in the past month said they frequently felt a high level of sexual desire, while one-third reported low, very low or no sexual desire.

This article has been cited as a result of other articles in PMC. Conceptual Although sexuality remains an central component of emotional and animal intimacy that most men after that women desire to experience all over their lives, sexual dysfunction all the rage women is a problem so as to is not well studied. Escalate recognition of this common badly behave and future research in this field may alter perceptions a propos sexuality, dismiss taboo and erroneous thoughts on sexual dysfunction, after that spark better management for patients, allowing them to live add enjoyable lives. This need is especially acute for physicians who will increasingly encounter patients trying to maintain a high attribute of life as their bodies and life circumstances change, after that as advances in nutrition, fitness maintenance, and technology allow a lot of to extend the time midlife activities are maintained. One quality-of-life issue affected by these changes, for both men and women, is sexuality. Although studies accede that the majority of women consider sexuality a very central determinant of quality of animation, the literature on the area of interest of sexual function in aged women is not extensive. Backdrop Although sexuality remains an central component of emotional and animal intimacy that most men after that women desire to experience all over their lives, it is alas a topic many health anxiety professionals have difficulty raising along with their patients.

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