
Sexual Hookup Culture: A Review

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See other articles in PMC that cite the published article. Hook-up activities may include a wide range of sexual behaviors, such as kissing, oral sex, and penetrative intercourse. However, these encounters often transpire without any promise of, or desire for, a more traditional romantic relationship. A review of the literature suggests that these encounters are becoming increasingly normative among adolescents and young adults in North America, representing a marked shift in openness and acceptance of uncommitted sex. We reviewed the current literature on sexual hookups and considered the multiple forces influencing hookup culture, using examples from popular culture to place hooking up in context. We argue that contemporary hookup culture is best understood as the convergence of evolutionary and social forces during the developmental period of emerging adulthood. The themes of books, plots of movies and television shows, and lyrics of numerous songs all demonstrate a permissive sexuality among consumers. As an example, the lyrics above, from the chart-topping pop song Last Friday Night T. Research on media portrayals of sexual behavior has documented this pattern as well.

My dating life followed a actual specific pattern in my ahead of schedule 20s. So, baby Maria would stick around, expecting a deeper connection to form, only en route for be left crushed a month later when surprise! Their heads bobbed in agreement. They, also, had been dealing with paramours on the prowl for no-strings sex. And frankly, we were sick of it. But, always the optimist, I continued en route for date, wary of guys who would tell me they a minute ago wanted casual sex right bad the bat. I was meant to have early drinks along with bachelor number one, followed as a result of a casual cocktails-and-appetisers date along with bachelor number two. When I got to the bar en route for meet my first date, I spotted a really attractive, broody guy in the corner, scribbling in a notebook. My appointment turned out to be a total dud, but writer chap and I kept making eyes.

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