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We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we love. Jan 18, Warner Bros. And then of course, there were the hormones. Right off the bat, in the show's first episode, appropriately titled Pilot, Joey decides she's reached the point in her life where she needs to stop sleeping over at Dawson's, something she's done since she was 7 years old. From there, Dawson's Creek tackled pretty much every serious subject in the book, be it puberty, sexual orientation, unplanned pregnancies, or illegal love affairs. In celebration of the show's 20th anniversary, I re-watched Pilot and made some notes. I hope Grams is proud of me. The opening combo of flute music and creek shots at sunset!

Of course, series creator Kevin Williamson must realize that the aim of ripping off his accept takeoffs on horror movies, Bawl and Scream 2, would allow played better on Halloween all through the autumn sweeps period. All the same, this Friday the 13th affair is a hoot that absolutely plays off recent events all the rage the series about would-be filmmaker Dawson Leary James Van Der Beek and his friends. At the same time as is often the case all the rage this series, it begins along with the equivalent of a clause or an apology. Dawson responds with the filmmaker's defense, so as to horror flicks help people brazen out and get past their accept fears. Then he playfully concocts some simple scares involving bodies in a closet and heads in a refrigerator for his friends Joey and Pacey Joshua Jackson , leaving ex-girlfriend Jen Michelle Williams scared of body left out of Dawson's central circle. When she receives a scary phone call, Jen assumes she's back in Dawson's able graces.

Episodes Dawson's Creek Release year: Optimist Dawson Leery and his friends face family dramas, peer anxiety and self-esteem issues as they navigate through high school after that college. Pilot A pair of childhood friends must cope along with their emerging sexuality. Dance 44m Dawson worries about his at the outset kiss with Jen, especially after she attends a school ball with someone else. Kiss 44m As Dawson is forced en route for work on a rival's big screen, he plots to record his first kiss with Jen. For now, Joey misleads a wealthy suitor. Discovery 44m After videotaping Tamara's sexual encounter with an anonymous partner and learning of his mom's infidelity, Dawson discovers the truth about Jen's past. Cyclone Preparations for a big cyclone expose the truth about Mrs.

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