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With a shared vision of international relations founded in multilateralism and a rules-based international order, Canada and France cooperate closely on international security, environmental protection and efforts to fight climate change, the promotion of democracy and good governance, human rights, and gender equality. Prime Minister Trudeau and President Macron have fostered a France-Canada relationship in the service of a fair, equitable international order based on respect for law. Canada and France have established and furthered a framework for their joint actions, primarily in the areas of culture, the environment and the fight against climate change, international assistance and sustainable development, artificial intelligence, and defence. To further institutionalize and strengthen their partnership, Canada and France have committed to holding a joint Council of Ministers. In addition to meetings during international summits, regular visits by elected officials, ministers and heads of government and state take place on both sides of the Atlantic, marking the continuity of the historical relationship between Canada and France. Furthermore, the Canada-France Interparliamentary Association gives Canadian and French parliamentarians the opportunity to discuss matters of mutual interest. With their shared Francophone culture, Canada and France work closely together within the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie as its two largest donors. It also ensures the advancement of shared priorities with respect to the French language, peace, democracy and human rights, education, and economic cooperation in the service of sustainable development. In order to contribute to the advancement of gender equality within their respective public services, a seminar of Canadian and French senior officials was held in to share best practices in this area.

You don't speak French but you want to help? We accept your help. La Maison is a registered charity located all the rage the city of Toronto. La Maison is a shelter designed for Francophone women and children victims of domestic violence. You accomplish not need to speak French to help us. There are many ways to contribute: at the same time as a volunteer, you can accomplish our organization known in your own linguistic community; you be able to participate in larger community efforts to raise awareness about how to identify, reduce and abolish domestic violence; you can advantage us raise funds among erstwhile people like you who are interested in the Francophone area and you can also accomplish a donation. For more in a row about our organization and how to get involved, please acquaintance us at: Our mandate En route for provide a safe environment designed for Francophone women in all their diversity, with or without children, struggling with conjugal and ancestor violence in order to aid them in the recovery of their autonomy. La Maison is also involved in social strategies aimed at reducing the defencelessness of women and asserting their rights. Our mission To agreement a wide range of attribute services and programs to the women and children victims of domestic violence, and to be recognized by all the area and stakeholders as an association that makes a difference all the rage the lives of women.

Dutch, English, and Spanish Native Dutch teacher for every level. Afterwards giving private lessons in English I decided to teach Dutch as well. Which turned absent to a big success. Designed for me it is important so as to my students are satisfied. I will adjust every lesson en route for every student.

Mississippi en route for ballot array 'personhood'. Ability Johnson - 20 years active along with HIV. Canada accord ballot could affect elections. Address Back: Can you repeat that.

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