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Age UK telephone friendship A friendly chat when you need it Thousands of older people have made lasting friendships, or simply enjoyed a chat when they wanted one, through our free telephone friendship service and the Silver Line helpline. As we get older, we may find we spend more time on our own. This can sometimes feel lonely, boring or make us miss friends or family. If you or someone you know is missing the joy of regular conversation, Age UK and our partner charity The Silver Line can help. We offer free telephone friendship services so you can enjoy chatting with someone over the phone, all from the comfort of your own home. How does telephone friendship work? We have two different telephone friendship services available. Regular telephone friendship service. We match overs with a friendly volunteer for a weekly chat.

Vaccines are free and readily accessible at 90, convenient locations. After that, federal emergency medical teams are ready to respond to surges nationwide. Our vaccines are the most powerful tools we have—they work to protect people as of serious illness and death, after that boosters provide people optimal armour. While cases among vaccinated individuals will likely increase due en route for the more transmissible Omicron, confirmation to date is that their cases will most likely be mild. In contrast, unvaccinated individuals are at high risk of getting COVID, getting severely ailing, and even dying. Today, Head Biden will announce the next actions: Increased Support for Hospitals: The President will take a number of steps to ensure states after that health systems across the countryside have the personnel, beds, after that supplies they need as they battle rising Omicron hospitalizations, above all among the unvaccinated.

After that I want to start as a result of acknowledging how tired, worried, after that frustrated I know you are. For many of you, this will be the first before even the second Christmas anywhere you look — across the table will be an bare kitchen chair there. So, so as to — let me answer a few questions that lay out the steps the Vice President after that I are taking to arrange for the rising number of cases experts tell us we could expect in the weeks ahead. First, how concerned should you be about Omicron, which is now the dominant alternative in this country and it happened so quickly? The come back with is straightforward: If you are not fully vaccinated, you allow good reason to be afraid. And the unvaccinated have a significantly higher risk of conclusion up in a hospital before even dying. You have a high degree of protection adjacent to severe illness. There will be positive cases in every administrative centre, even here in the Ashen House, among the unv- — among the vaccinated — along with the vaccinated — from Omicron.

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