
Sex and Sex Drive in Midlife: News From NAMS 2020

Older woman with 45046

If sustaining intimacy is becoming more difficult, there are many approaches that can help. Satisfying sex depends on several things: presence of desire, arousal, absence of pain, and an ability to reach orgasm. After menopauselibido declines, and changes in our bodies can make it difficult to get aroused, painful to have intercourse, and impossible to climax. It's little wonder that many women become dissatisfied with sex, and some avoid intimacy entirely. Several years ago, a large national survey found that sexual activity fell precipitously with age. Fewer than half of women ages 57 to 73 said they were sexually active, and those who were had sex less than twice a month, on average. Nature didn't intend for women to be sexually active after menopause, so women have to work at it and be creative.

This article has been cited as a result of other articles in PMC. Conceptual Although sexuality remains an central component of emotional and animal intimacy that most men after that women desire to experience all over their lives, sexual dysfunction all the rage women is a problem so as to is not well studied. Escalate recognition of this common badly behave and future research in this field may alter perceptions a propos sexuality, dismiss taboo and erroneous thoughts on sexual dysfunction, after that spark better management for patients, allowing them to live add enjoyable lives. This need is especially acute for physicians who will increasingly encounter patients trying to maintain a high attribute of life as their bodies and life circumstances change, after that as advances in nutrition, fitness maintenance, and technology allow a lot of to extend the time midlife activities are maintained. One quality-of-life issue affected by these changes, for both men and women, is sexuality.

Paige Bierma Nothing is more irritating to author Connie Goldman than the stereotypes out there a propos older people and sex -- especially the one about seniors not having sex. It can not be that very angry passionate feeling that you had when you were 19, although it certainly isn't gone, Goldman said. A poll conducted as a result of the AARP found that sexual desire runs deep among ancestor in their 50s, 60s, 70s, and beyond. At any become old, sex can help strengthen allude to relationships while easing stress after that boosting overall health. For seniors, sex can also restore feelings of vitality, says Erica Goodstone, PhD, a certified sex analyst and licensed mental health counselor, who works with many older couples and singles. They can have physical problems that accomplish sex difficult or painful, before they may have simply abandoned their interest and desire.

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