
I Asked a Bunch of Women Over 50 About Their Sex Lives

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How to Get an Older Woman in the Mood Published: Dec 21, Fortunately, there are some tried and true tips and pieces of advice that can help the situation. With that said, however, some basic principles form the core of this advice, which are good ideas at any age, and some combination of which will likely help keep the spark alive in your relationship as you and your partner age. It occurs somewhat differently in males and females, and the timing and amount of change that occurs will vary from person to person. In males, desire tends to peak in the teens and twenties, then decrease linearly over time. In females, desire tends to peak in the twenties and thirties, decrease somewhat into the 40s, and then fall off precipitously with menopause. In men, erections become more difficult to achieve and sustain. In women, vaginal dryness and thinning of tissues are common during and after menopause.

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