
Results for : nudists documentary

Woman practicing naturism 50496

Written by Web Maester Valley View Hot Springs is well known for its natural setting, kind culture, and a tradition of open air naturism. Clothing is altogether optional throughout the property. Nudity is not inherently indecent, suggestive, nor demeaning. Nature was naked, and I was also Sweet, sane, still Nakedness in Nature!

Ahead of you ask… NO! These are not photos of us! Although I have to admit, the pubic hair thing remains an intriguing topic even after altogether this time. Remember, my companion and I have been naturists for over thirty years. Insignificant person cares! And half of the men — at least all the rage the pubic region — were shaven as well. In the too much information department, we are typically not hairless, although coiffed… one might say. A minute ago like that guy in the restaurant the other night along with giant bushy caterpillars growing above the top of his eyelids! Time to have a chinwag with your barber.

We continue to enjoy the animation that naturism gives and the privilege of meeting like-minded ancestor of many nationalities, ages after that persuasions. We cherish the memories of naturist incidents and the emotions that they evoke which we discuss as two broadminded adults. We had hired a cabin in the lodge. The camp offered a naturist afforest trail that we set absent to do one morning.

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