
Sexual Pleasure and Condom Use

Finding a partner who 31766

All other items were asked about each partner. The sample consisted of participants who described sexual relationships in which they had penetrative sex where condom use may have been considered. Participants were asked about reasons for condom use or nonuse that are seen to reflect five motivations: self protection, partner protection, social norms, relationship, and lust. While many reasons for using condoms were role specific, there were commonalities across roles as well. Self protection and partner protection were clearly the dominant motivations, with six self protection reasons and two partner protection reasons given in over a third of relationships. The reliability of condoms was thought about by over a third of participants in all roles.

Donor Information. Corresponding author. Present Address: M. Randolph, St. Lauderdale St. Both women and men rated unprotected vaginal intercourse as add pleasurable than protected vaginal association. Men who perceived a larger decrease in pleasure between at risk and protected intercourse were a lesser amount of likely to have used condoms in the past 3 months than those who perceived a smaller decrease in pleasure. The results provide evidence that a lot of people believe that condoms bring down sexual pleasure and that men, in particular, who believe so as to condoms decrease pleasure are a lesser amount of likely to use them. Condom promotion campaigns should work en route for emphasize the pleasure-enhancing aspects of condom use.

Lady attitudes and behaviour in family member to sex, and roles after that responsibilities, have changed significantly above the last 30 years, after that double standards which used en route for exist for men and women around carrying condoms are disappearing. Men no longer have the monopoly on carrying the condoms. Long term trends - at the same time as indicated by the National Analyse of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles Natsal , one of the most comprehensive surveys of its kind - indicate how sexual behaviour has changed over ancient decades, with women having add sexual partners and experiencing altered and in some cases add risky types of sexual activity1. However, there is another area to more liberal attitudes after that greater levels of sexual action. One in twelve people below 25 who are tested as a result of the National Chlamydia Screening Agenda are found to have Chlamydia which often lacks visible symptoms and can have serious consequences such as ectopic pregnancy after that infertility. Sarah Hedley, Cosmopolitan's Sexpert and renowned commentator on women's issues, said: Many young women who get treated for a STI have had unprotected femininity because they didn't have a condom to hand. They're a lot worried they'll be seen at the same time as 'easy' for carrying or suggesting using one. This research evidently shows however that perceptions are changing for the better. Attractive a condom on a dark out should be as average as taking a phone, keys and purse.

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