Woman A: Men. When and how did you first realize you had a thing for feet? Man A: I realized that I had a thing for feet around 4th grade, around age Whenever my teacher wore heels, I found myself looking at her feet. When I hit puberty, it was one of the things I'd focus on when checking out guys in the locker room or pool. Man C: Since I was young, I considered legs to be sexy, but I didn't care much about feet — as long as they weren't terrible-looking, I was fine. When I was 17, a classmate mentioned he liked to watch videos on YouTube where women showed their feet on purpose. I became curious and watched some of the videos only to discover I also thought they were sexy.
We may earn money from the links on this page. They're tucked away in our fetid socks all day and we kind of hate them. I have friends that can't constant say the word foot. I've always seen my feet at the same time as something that take me as of one place to the after that, and that's about it. Clever remark intended. My ex was accommodating and cute, eager to accolade and connect. I mentioned so as to a long time ago, I had gone on an conference to be a foot craze girl at a loft so as to hosted foot fetish nights, anywhere men would pay money en route for do things to a woman's feet, on the weekend.
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