
What Do Men Get Out of Looking At Other Women? : And Why Do Men Cheat?

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And Why Do Men Cheat? And, if it is sexual arousal, does that happen only in seeing a naked woman magazine, strip joint, porn or does that happen when you see a beautiful clothed woman as well? I have always been very curious about this as I think it is very different for women. First off, I want to acknowledge that everything you wrote, in my estimation, is true. Men, regardless of relationship status, get a chemical high in seeing attractive women. Men can appreciate the female form, either clothed or naked. In other words: GOOD men, regardless of relationship status, get a chemical high in seeing attractive women. GOOD men can appreciate the female form, either clothed or naked. Because monogamy lowers the chances that our genes will survive, men are not, by nature, monogamous creatures.

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