
Everything You Need To Know Before Getting A Fringe According To The Experts

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My hair is far from effortless. To wit, I get bored easily, which means I become fixated and possibly overambitious when it comes to trendy cuts. Enter: French girl bangs. I had an appointment already booked just a few weeks after sourcing inspo, and when the day came, my hairstylist Chaie from the Benjamin Salon in Los Angeles they come to New York every eight weeks for a pop-up was so excited to transform my mane.

A post shared by Not A different Salon notanothersalon 5. Conveniently, a lot of salons offer at no cost fringe trims in between cuts, as they're super-quick to accomplish. A post shared by ghd hair ghdhair 6. Possibly Not

At the same time as Laura Polko, Sexy Hair diplomat and celebrity hairstylist explains it, bangs can always be in-style if they're a look you genuinely want to try, at the same time as long as you've taken the time to consider all the variables that come with them. Polko advises to think of factors like the amount of upkeep more on that later! A post shared by Laura Polko laurapolko Polko explains so as to while yes, they're in adapt, confidence is key to astound bangs in Be candid with yourself about why you need a change. Cut my hair off!

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