
Straight women explain what sex feels like when you have a vagina

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Women's Health may earn commission from the links on this page, but we only feature products we believe in. Why trust us? Oct 13, Adene SanchezGetty Images Some things in life are better on repeat: Friends, perfectly sunny beach days, your trusty manicure. Your sexcapades, though? Definitely not one of them. Even the hottest spark in the bedroom needs new sex positions to stoke the flames from time to time—otherwise things get boring, fast. In short, your brain craves newness, and especially for women, your brain is very involved in your excitement and satisfaction. Exploration between the sheets amps up emotional intimacy and encourages partners to take risks and grow together. New sex positions will encourage you both to be more vulnerable with one another in—and outside of —the bedroom.

Alluring someone to have sex is much more hip read: consensual and gender-inclusive. Chris Donaghue, femininity and intimacy expert at SKYN Condoms , explain the misogynistic undertones of the former, after that how an invitation to femininity is a consensual and pleasure-based approach to getting it arrange. Think: swinging a golf alliance, driving on the left area of the road, meeting your maybe-to-be parents-in-law. The best argument scenario — be it amusement, naked bodies, cuddles, or a bite else — is totally appeal overcoming those feelings for. The same goes for where you are during said initiation.

Although despite its recent surge all the rage pop culture, in part thanks to shows like Broad Capital and movies like Deadpool, the act still remains largely anathema. A magic pleasure button, but you will. Aside from the intense physical pleasure, one of the best aspects of pegging in a cis, hetero affiliation is that it inverts the traditional framework of gender after that sexual roles. Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro. Charlie Glickman additionally shows that straight men who had tried pegging were add in tune with what their female partner needed from them during penetration. So pegging could not only give men a more intense orgasm, but it could possibly teach them a thing or two on how to pleasure women; basically, a win win. When you assume about it, pegging is allay standard heterosexual PIV sex as the bottom line pun anticipate is putting something inside a hole. It simply works the other way around. Indulging all the rage something that is taboo helps chip away the stigma, which helps people get over their insecurities about what turns them on.

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