Acknowledge what they are feeling. At yourselves and with each other. Be responsive: When the world is driving them crazy, be the soft place, velvety place for them to curl into. Be vulnerable. Open up and let your partner be there for you too. This is difficult if you have small children or bigger ones — tell me about it! Here are some ideas: Surprise them with things they love — her favourite magazine, his favourite ice-cream. Bring home her favourite bottle of wine and share it with her.
You may find your blood anxiety skyrocketing when your spouse fails to return your calls at the appointed time, or you may become a nervous, tremoring wreck over the most insignificant misunderstanding—traumatized by constant threats of abandonment or betrayal. You may experience exalting highs—the kind that inspire romance novels , and rock-bottom lows—the benevolent that have you ugly-crying all the rage traffic. The climate of your household is never allowed en route for be pleasant for long. Your partner may strike with abrasive punishment or ridicule, sometimes next it up with Oscar-worthy apologies, showers of praise, and broad layers of tearful self-deprecation.
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